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Security & Self Defense
in Muskogee Campus
Phase IV Armed Security Guard
with Link Mock

Phase IV training is back at ICTC Muskogee!
Prep for the CLEET Phase IV Armed Security Guard test. March 27 & 28th 6-8pm / March 29th 9-5pm/ April 4,5,11th 6-8pm /April 12th 9-5pm
Prerequisites: Phase 1 & 2 certification and MMPI test.
Please contact for an application.
This Class is not held at ICTC, it will be held at Glenndale Grace Firearms and Training.
Phase I & II Unarmed Security Guard
with John Lindsey

Prep for the CLEET Phase I and II Unarmed Security Guard test. Covers the Oklahoma Security Act, fire safety, first aid, field notes, patrolling and investigation and more.
Phase III Private Investigator
with John Lindsey

Phase III training is back at ICTC Muskogee! Prep for the CLEET Phase III Private Investigator test. Prerequisites: Phase 1 & 2 certification. Please contact for an application.